I am married, I love being married, and most nights you can find me at home with my sweet husband and our dog doing something entirely domestic, like knitting, or watching a movie and eating too much popcorn. This is all great and wonderful and peaceful and stuff, however I will tell you what I miss about dating. The outfits.
I love date outfits. To be perfectly honest, I think the dates are more about the outfits and less about the guy (or girl). It’s about the lipstick, the new shoes, the fabulous underwear.
I bring this up because one of my dear friends is dating up a storm this summer and she is at a loss at what to wear. Last weekend’s date saw her in her in jeans and a sweatshirt, cute and comfortable yes, but really?
She asked me for a little help, so here we go, date rules:
- Jeans, yes, wear them, but they should be flattering and cute. Fitted. Not ‘comfortable’ like sweat pants comfortable.
- Comfortable jeans and t-shirts are okay, really, I wear them all the time, but do your hair and make-up.
- Dresses? Love them, so easy to wear and quite perfect for a day/evening date.
- If your going out and your stumped, keep it simple. Skinny jeans, a tank top and heels.
I tend to err on the side of a simple and clean look, you can never go wrong with that. Remember that hair and make-up go a long way so start with that, and if you are completely stumped call me and we will put together some fabulous outfits.
Images provided by Asos.