I (we) are back. We arrived home a few days ago. It was amazing, unplugging was the best thing I have done in a while. Vacations are the second best thing, together they are heaven.
Did you know that people in France take a significant vacation every three months? Just think about that for a minute or two.. And then think about how well dressed the French are.. I see a direct correlation.
I suspect the French are a little better at maintaining their wardrobes, I don’t think the hang on to things that aren’t working for them. We do. I know this because at least 90% of the women I work with have too many things in their wardrobe. I love the Wardrobe Cleanse for that reason, we spend hours going through all your clothes, making piles of what works and what doesn’t.
If you don’t love it now, and if it doesn’t fit now, let it go. Open up the space for the right pieces, this is my philosophy, which is quite french don’t you think?
I just did my own wardrobe.